Raipur: Crop insurance claim payment of Rs. 533 crore to 3.93 lakh farmers of the state

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26.86 lakh human working days to be created in irrigation project

397.47 crores proposed to be paid to 19.87 lakh farmers during the lockdown

Development of 9,997 Bari through MNREGA

Raipur, 11 April 2020. Under the Prime Minister’s Crop Insurance in Chhattisgarh by the state government, in Kharif year 2019, the amount of claim payment of Rs 533 crore 9 lakh to the farmers for crop insurance has been deposited directly into their bank accounts. Apart from this, action is being taken to pay the claim amount of about 101 crores to the farmers. It is worth noting that under the Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme, a total of 15 lakh 52 thousand farmers have been insured in the Kharif year 2019 for Rs 8,142.18 crore. For which premium payment of Rs 1139.75 crore has been paid to the insurance company. In which the contribution of farmers is 162.84 crores.

Under the weather-based crop insurance scheme in the state, horticulture crop was insured by 11 thousand 475 farmers in the Kharif year 2019. Out of which claim of Rs 12 crore 38 lakh has been paid to 7 thousand 668 farmers and the process of payment of crop insurance claim amount of Rs 1 crore 85 lakh to 2 thousand 593 farmers is under process. Under the Prime Minister’s Agricultural Irrigation Scheme, about 24 lakh 86 thousand man days will be created in watershed related works and 2 lakh man working days in construction of minimum irrigation ponds and check-dams.
The state government has sent an online proposal to the Government of India for payment of Rs 397.47 crore under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Yojana after the lockdown to prevent infection of corona virus in Chhattisgarh. Payment under the Public Financial Management System is being done by the Government of India in installments.
Seed corporation of the state government is paying 5 crore rupees to the seed producing farmers. The payment of the remaining amount of 20 crores is in progress. Under the Badi Development Program of Suraji village in the state, 9 thousand 997 Baris have been approved under MNREGA in 2019-20. An amount of 10 crores has been sanctioned to the Horticulture Department under the state-funded Bari Vikas Scheme in the financial year 2019-20. Which will be used for bari development in Kharif 2020.