Raipur: Chief Minister Mr. Baghel has provided assistance of Rs.10 lakh to the social service organization of the police family, Shri Prayas Education Society, through voluntary donation.

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 Raipur, 05 February 2022. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has given a grant amount of Rs 10 lakh to Shri Prayas Education Society, a social service organization run by the police family, under voluntary donation. This organization provides free education to the children of poor, laboring families from class IV to college. The organization also provides free coaching to the children for competitive examinations. On behalf of Chief Minister Mr. Baghel, a check of Rs. 10 lakh as voluntary donation amount was handed over by the public representative Mr. Sushil Ojha to the teachers and children of Shree Prayas Education Society.
This organization is operating from 14 May 2018 in the building of Adivasi Nagarchi Gandwana Samaj located at Mathpuraina, Raipur. At present 700 children are studying in this institution, where 15 teachers are doing the work of teaching free of cost. Education is given to the children through computer, projector. The institute also has well equipped laboratory. Yoga classes are conducted here from 5.30 am to 6.30 am, followed by two shifts from 6.30 am to 9.30 am and from 5 pm to 7.30 pm. CBSE and Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education courses are conducted in the institution. Teachers and students of the institution were present on this occasion.