Raipur: Extension of ‘Good Governance Initiative Model Gram Panchayat’ program to all panchayats of the state

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Raipur. 18 December 2021. The ‘Good Governance Initiative Model Gram Panchayat’ program is being expanded in all the Gram Panchayats of Chhattisgarh. Under this, village employment assistants and panchayat secretaries in all the panchayats of the state will be trained for better maintenance and management of MNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) job-cords, seven types of registers, work files and citizen information boards. On the instructions of the Union Ministry of Rural Development, in the first phase of the program, 81 gram panchayats of the state have been made model in the year 2019-20 and in the second phase, 84 panchayats have been made model in 2020-21. In the current financial year 2021-22, in the third phase, the remaining panchayats of the state will be made a model. It will be implemented in gram panchayats from 20 December to 5 January 2022.

State MGNREGA Commissioner Mr. Mohd Kaiser Abdulhaq has given necessary directions to the Collector-cum-District Program Coordinator (MGNREGA) of all the districts for effective implementation of the ‘Good Governance Initiative Model Gram Panchayat’ programme. Taking personal interest in this, he has asked the collectors to ensure its timely implementation. During this time, he has also given instructions to compulsorily follow all the measures and precautions to avoid corona infection. The MGNREGA commissioner has also sent information about the time bound implementation of the program and phase wise activities to the collectors.

Monitoring and documentation of the works done at the field level will be done from the Janpad Panchayat and Zilla Panchayat level. Village Employment Assistants and Panchayat Secretaries of the Panchayats involved in the first and second phases of the program will be used as trainers or master trainers for training the personnel of the remaining Panchayats. The personnel of the Panchayats involved in the third phase will be given a study tour of the model village panchayats formed in the first and second phases. During this, he will see the modalities of maintaining seven registers and work files in the office of ‘Good Governance Initiative Model Gram Panchayat’. They will look after the job-cord maintenance and updation in the gram panchayats and the citizen information boards built there. They will also share their experiences through mutual discussion.

Implementation will be done in six phases, emphasis on training and efficiency of Panchayat personnel

The implementation of the ‘Good Governance Initiative Model Gram Panchayat’ program will be completed in six phases. In the first phase, the model panchayats included in the first and second phase will be identified by the Zilla Panchayat as ‘Resource Gram Panchayat’. For training, Gram Rozgar Sahayak or Panchayat Secretary of these ‘Resource Gram Panchayats’ will be selected as Master Trainer. In the second phase, except for the Panchayats included in Phase-I and Phase-II, a cluster of remaining Panchayats, where the capacity development of Village Employment Assistants and Panchayat Secretaries is to be done.

In Phase-III, two days special training will be organized for Village Employment Assistants and Panchayat Secretaries of selected Panchayats on implementation of Good Governance Initiative. Copies of the updated guidelines and correspondence related to the four Good Governance Initiatives will be provided in the form of ‘booklets’ in training to all Village Employment Assistants and Panchayat Secretaries. Detailed information regarding the implementation of the program will be given on the first day of training. On the second day, the work file of the works completed from 2020-21 from the trainee personnel and the vacancies of all the seven registers will be filled. In the fourth phase, the Village Employment Assistant and Panchayat Secretary of all the Panchayats will prepare the work file of the completed construction works in their respective Panchayat and update the seven registers. For this photocopy of documents and necessary stationery will be arranged by the concerned Janpad Panchayat.

In the fifth phase, a nodal officer from the district level and program officer from the district panchayat level and the concerned technical assistant or sub engineer will monitor the implementation of the Good Governance Initiative. During this they will see whether the citizen information boards of all the works are made in the right format, and the information displayed in them is not incomplete. After the implementation of the first five phases, it will be reviewed at the district panchayat level in the sixth phase. In the review meeting, feedback will be taken from the Program Officer of each Janpad Panchayat and Gram Rozgar Sahayak or Panchayat Secretary of any one Panchayat of each cluster about the implementation of Good Governance Initiative and the training given to them.