Raipur : Special Article : New Government New Initiative : 36 Months of Chhattisgarh.

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Raipur, 02 December 2021

Working hard to realize the vision of Garhbo Nava Chhattisgarh

Chhattisgarh has made a different image in the country as a government that understands the pain and pain of the toiling farmers-villagers and laborers to realize the vision of Garhbo Nava Chhattisgarh. Under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel, many remarkable achievements have been achieved in just 36 months due to farmer-friendly decisions and decisions.
In view of the weather and climate of Chhattisgarh, as well as the dependence of about 80 percent people on agriculture, the new government decided to make agriculture profitable. The decision to give input subsidy under the Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana proved to be revolutionary in order to use modern methods of farming and to get the farmers the right price for their produce. This is the reason that in these 36 months, new records were made year after year of buying paddy in support price in Chhattisgarh.

Chhattisgarh has made a different image in the country as a government that understands the plight of farmers-villagers and laborers.
In Chhattisgarh, the result of giving input subsidy along with purchase of paddy on support price and loan from cooperative society to farmers for cultivation at zero percent interest was that Kharif marketing year 2020-21 record 92 lakh metric tonnes of paddy was purchased . Such farmers who had left farming, are now returning to farming. The total area under cultivation in the state has increased to 29.85 lakh hectares. The financial condition of the farmers has also improved a lot. The farmers of the state have started cultivating better now, the hallmark of this can be seen from the registration of farmers for selling paddy in the current Kharif marketing year 2021-22. This year 24 lakh 9 thousand 453 farmers have registered in the state.
In the history of Chhattisgarh, in the current Kharif season, 105 lakh metric tonnes of paddy is estimated to be purchased at support price. Not only has the state government made sure arrangements for procurement from the farmers, but arrangements have also been made for their immediate payment. Farmers are being paid online through their bank accounts. Instructions have been given to all the collectors so that no farmer should face any problem regarding the purchase of paddy.
Keeping in mind the convenience of farmers and villagers, 88 new paddy procurement centers have been started this year. This year arrangements have been made for procurement of paddy in 2 thousand 399 paddy procurement centers. Farmers will get rid of congestion and long queues at paddy procurement centers, while transportation expenditure will also be reduced. Time and money will also be saved.
Under the current Kharif marketing year 2021-22, paddy will be purchased from farmers on support price through cash and linking from December 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022 and maize will be purchased from December 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022. For the Kharif marketing year 2021-22, the rate of support price for average good quality paddy, paddy common at Rs 1940 per quintal, paddy grade A at Rs 1960 per quintal and average good quality maize at Rs 1870 per quintal. Is.
Due to the continuous promotion of agriculture by the state government, this year in Kharif season, about 48 lakh 20 thousand hectare area has been sown under various crops. In addition to paddy, pulses, oilseeds, maize, soybean crops are included. Pulses have been cultivated in 3.42 lakh hectares, oilseeds in 2 lakh hectares, vegetables and vegetables in 1.50 lakh hectares in the state.
As soon as the government was formed under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel, taking a decision in the interest of the farmers, the short-term agricultural loan of about 10 thousand crore rupees was waived, while the difference amount was subsidized by buying paddy from the farmers on support price Rajiv Gandhi Nyay Yojana. He worked to put money directly in the pockets of the farmers. This is the reason that despite the economic slowdown in the country and the world, it did not have any effect in Chhattisgarh.
Even during the Corona period, the state continued to do agriculture, industry and business. To keep the economy moving, the government has given special concessions and exemptions to all sectors. This strengthened the rural as well as the urban economy. This is the reason that the economy of the state did not have any effect of economic slowdown as compared to other states.
Due to the farmer-friendly policies of the government, in these three years, agriculture in the state of Chhattisgarh has flourished and prospered. About 83 lakh metric tonnes of paddy was procured in the first year, similarly a record 92 lakh metric tonnes of paddy was procured in the second year. This year 105 lakh metric tonnes of paddy is expected to be procured. Due to these policy decisions and actions of the government, all sections of the society are continuously developing with justice. The dream of building a new Chhattisgarh is being realized with the work being done in the interest of all these sections of the poor, labourers, farmers, traders.