Raipur, 24 November 2021. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel today launched the Chirag project in Jagdalpur. Inaugurating the project in the Krishi Madai program organized in the Shaheed Gundadhur Agricultural College campus, Kumhrawand, Chief Minister Mr. Baghel said that this project of about Rs. 1735 crore, to be operated with the help of World Bank, has brought a change in the lives of the people of Bastar so far. Biggest project ever. The Chief Minister said that every major scheme is being launched in Bastar with the blessings of Maa Danteshwari and as a result of this, these schemes are also becoming successful. He said that “Chirag Project” would be implemented in 14 districts including Bastar and Surguja divisions of Chhattisgarh. He said that the Chirag project will spread new light of development in the tribal areas. On this occasion, the Chief Minister announced to name the Government Women’s Polytechnic Dharampura after Dharamu Mahara and Bastar High School after Jagtu Mahara. Of. Along with this, he announced the construction of a grand community hall in the name of Jagtu Mahara.
Chirag Project
The Chief Minister while addressing a large number of farmers, said that the objective of this scheme is to increase the income opportunities of the farmers, ensure availability of nutritious food in the villages, develop nutrition-production system based on the climate of the region, To develop methodology for better management of resources. Through this project, new and developed methods of development in the agriculture sector will be promoted. “Chirag Project” is a project to bring new opportunities and new hopes for the tribals. They will enter a new life by joining modern farming and innovations.
By joining modern farming and innovations, they are in a new life.
The World Bank and the United Nations Organization for Agricultural Development, IFAD, have given financial assistance for this project. 730 crore by World Bank, Rs 486.69 crore by IFAD for this project. The state government has provided 30 percent of the total amount of this project, Rs 518.68 crore from its state fund. The Chirag project will be implemented in tribal development blocks of Bastar, Bijapur, Dantewada, Kanker, Kondagaon, Narayanpur, Sukma, Mungeli, Balodabazar, Balrampur, Jashpur, Koriya, Surajpur and Surguja districts. Chirag project, Bakwand and Bastar in Bastar district, Kanker district’s development block Charama, Narharpur, Kondagaon district’s development block Bade Rajpur and Makdi, Narayanpur district’s development block, Narayanpur, Dantewada district’s development block, Dantewada and Katekalyan, Sukma district’s development block Chhindgarh and Sukma, Implementation will be done in selected villages of Bhopalpatnam and Bhairamgarh block of Bijapur district. This will help in making agriculture prosperous and profitable in Bastar region and farmers of Bastar region will move towards modern farming along with traditional farming. This will improve their financial condition and a new phase of happiness will start in their life.
Chirag Project Bastar Division
The Chief Minister said that the main objective of the Chirag project is to provide maximum benefits to the farmers by improving the nutritional diet, value addition of agriculture and other products according to climate change, from the perspective of improved agriculture, good health. Under the project, in addition to small grain crops, integrated agriculture, promotion of organic farming, ground water enrichment, horticulture crops, garden and garden development, improved fisheries and animal husbandry and milk production, the work has been done to earn more income by adding value to the farmers’ produce. went. Apart from this, efforts will also be made for market availability for various agricultural products. The implementation of the project will be done by keeping the Gothans of the Suraji Yojana of the state government at the center.
On this occasion, the Chief Minister said that with the blessings of Maa Danteshwari, all the schemes started here are becoming successful. He said that Mukhyamantri Suposhan Abhiyan was started on this soil of Bastar and today the result is that the rate of malnutrition has come down by 32 percent. Similarly, more than 80 thousand women have become anemia free. Malaria-free Bastar campaign was also started from here. With this campaign, there has been a reduction in malaria cases by 45 percent in Bastar and 60 percent in Surguja. Due to the Mukhyamantri Haat Bazar Yojana started from here, now there is no need to set up camps due to vomiting and diarrhea. He said that usually the land of farmers is taken for setting up industries, but for the first time in Lohandiguda area of Bastar, work was done to return the land acquired for setting up industries.
Presiding over the program, Agriculture Minister Shri Ravindra Choubey said that today is a historic day for Bastar. To change the identity of Bastar, Rs 1735 crore Chirag project has been launched. Through this project, work will be done to increase the income of local youth through development of infrastructure as well as promotion of technology based agriculture and processing of products. He said that Bastar has its own identity due to the good quality of its products. Now these products of Bastar will also be sold in Delhi-Mumbai and will also be available in online market platforms like Flipkart and Amazon. Agriculture Minister Shri Choubey said that this year a target of purchasing 1 crore 5 lakh metric tonnes of paddy has been set. Millet Mission has been started in the state. Under which the work of buying small cereal crops like Kodo-Kutki on support price will be done for the first time in Chhattisgarh. Minister in-charge of the district Shri Kawasi Lakhma and MP Shri Deepak Baij also addressed the program. On this occasion, Deputy Speaker of Chhattisgarh Vidhan Sabha Shri Manoj Mandavi, Chairman of Bastar Area Tribal Development Authority Shri Lakheshwar Baghel, Parliamentary Secretary Shri Rekhchand Jain, Chairman of State Handicrafts Development Board Shri Chandan Kashyap, Vice Chairman of Bastar Area Tribal Development Authority Shri Santram Netam and Shri. Vikramshah Mandavi, Dantewada MLA Smt. Devti Karma, MLA Chitrakot Shri Rajman Benzam, Bhilai MLA Shri Devendra Yadav, Mayor Smt. Safira Sahu, Municipal Corporation President Smt. Kavita Sahu, Agriculture Production Commissioner Dr. Kamalpreet Singh, Indira Gandhi Agricultural University Vice Chancellor Dr. S.S. . Sengar, Commissioner Shri G.R. Churendra, IG Bastar Mr. Sundarraj P., Collector Mr. Rajat Bansal,
Minister released the Technical Bulletin of Agriculture College.
signed for coffee between Bhumgadi Mahila Agricultural Producer Group and Horticulture College Progressive farmers of the division, members of agricultural producer groups and self-help groups were also felicitated by the Chief Minister and the guests in the large agricultural field.