Raipur: Strength of means of livelihood and economic power in the hands of the people is the basis of development model of Chhattisgarh: Shri Bhupesh Baghe

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   Raipur, 14 November 2021. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel discussed with the people of the state on the topic “Chhattisgarh Model of Entrepreneurship and People Empowerment” in the 23rd episode of his monthly radio talk Lokvani today. Initiating the episode, broadcast on the occasion of the birthday of the great freedom fighter and the first Prime Minister of independent India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the Chief Minister said that Pandit Nehru had a great love for children. The birthday of Pandit Nehru is celebrated as Children’s Day. Children call him Chacha Nehru. He wanted to see the new generation of the country flourishing under the umbrella of his faith. Pandit Nehru had unwavering faith in the new generation.

    Addressing the children, the Chief Minister said that I would like you to read, learn about the biography and works of Pandit Nehru and try to bring them into your life. Pandit Nehru laid the foundation of a new and modern India, he established huge factories, dams, modern institutions for the education of science and technology. Today, in these institutions, the future of the youth of our country is being groomed and the country and the world are getting big doctors, engineers and experts.

80 thousand crore rupees reached the pockets of farmers, forest dependents, laborers, women’s groups, youth through schemes

The Chief Minister said in Lokvani on the topic “Chhattisgarh Model of Entrepreneurship and People’s Empowerment” that the strategy we adopted to strengthen livelihood and hand over self-respect to economic power in the hands of the people, has become our identity in the form of Chhattisgarh model. We kept ourselves away from the race of ostentatious development and paid attention to the basic things, due to which permanent means of livelihood and standard of living are being created in the state. Whether it was the time of initial recession or later the crisis of lockdown of Kovid, we have put 80 thousand crore rupees in the pockets of farmers, forest dependents, laborers, women groups and youth through various public welfare schemes, our brothers. Sisters and young comrades did not keep them locked in the vault, but did new things with it, Purchased what you needed. In this way, together you all maintained the liquidity of the state’s economy. In this way, new types of businesses were also started in the state and traditional skills, traditional employment opportunities also got a new direction.

Discussion of innovations for livelihood and employment

In Lokvani, Chief Minister Shri Baghel also discussed in detail the innovations being done at the local level to create new opportunities of livelihood and employment for the people. Kamla Rajwade, a resident of Kenapara of Surajpur district, told in her message in Lokvani that the initiative taken by the district administration by converting the closed mine of Kenapara into a pond and floating restaurant has changed the lives of hundreds of people. She is working as a life guard there. In this regard, the Chief Minister said that the closed mines are unsafe. Possibilities of its better use were explored after discussing with the local fishermen’s groups. Today, fishing in the closed mine of Kenapara, Along with operating the restaurant, many employment opportunities like life guard have arisen. This mine has now become popular as a tourist destination. Mahamaya women’s group of Surajpur district has joined the dairy business. Usha Giri of this group told that in Surajpur district, the milk of Pilkha Ksheer brand, Shrikhand, Paneer etc. has now become a new identity of our district and of us. After listening to his views, the Chief Minister said that he is very happy that people have got a new means of livelihood through dairy business and Godhan Nyay Yojana. Appreciating the sisters working as mates under Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, the Chief Minister said that due to your strong will power, works of permanent importance are also being done in your village. Paneer etc. has now become a new identity of our district and of our people. After listening to his views, the Chief Minister said that he is very happy that people have got a new means of livelihood through dairy business and Godhan Nyay Yojana. Appreciating the sisters working as mates under Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, the Chief Minister said that due to your strong will power, works of permanent importance are also being done in your village. Paneer etc. has now become a new identity of our district and of our people. After listening to his views, the Chief Minister said that he is very happy that people have got a new means of livelihood through dairy business and Godhan Nyay Yojana. Appreciating the sisters working as mates under Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, the Chief Minister said that due to your strong will power, works of permanent importance are also being done in your village.

The picture of agriculture is changing in Chhattisgarh

Mr. Baghel said that the villages would be happy only then prosperity would come in the city. This is the path of development of Chhattisgarh. This is the measure of success of Chhattisgarh model. The Chief Minister said that taking inspiration from the traditional model of development of Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi, modern model of Pandit Nehru, model of strong will of Smt. Indira Gandhi and model of change from technology of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, changing the picture of agriculture in Chhattisgarh, villages The initiatives taken to cultivate with new resources, with new technology and to improve the traditional livelihood were successful, now news of new methods of farming is coming from village to village. In this regard, Vivek Kumar Tiwari, a resident of village Kusmi of Bemetara district who is doing fish farming by constructing a pond in the field, Mr. Shakeel Hussain of Binori village of Bilaspur district and Bedmapara of Bastar, who cultivates bananas by mulching method.

Many concessions for the IT sector in the new industrial policy

The Chief Minister appreciated the initiative taken by four youths of Bastar, Ayush Srivastava, Gaurav Kushwaha, Rishabh Jain, Suyash Sankhla for starting the e-commerce platform ‘Loka Bazar’. If the youth of Bastar start providing the benefits of such new methods to the people of the inner villages, then surely the economic condition of the people will be strong, the products of rural areas of Chhattisgarh will get a good market. Referring to the success of Dhamtari’s young ITI professional Gopal Chitalia in Lokvani, he said that our new industrial policy for IT sector has attractive provisions, other youth should come forward to take advantage of it.

Holiday declared on Chherchera Punni-Shakambhari Jayanti

The Chief Minister said that we have taken steps to revive Chhattisgarhiya pride and self-respect. Public holidays on Hareli, Teeja-Pora, Karma Jayanti, World Tribal Day and Chhath Puja have brought a positive message in life. Chhattisgarh is still a state with abundance of agriculture, the importance of charity along with the new crop is also included in the soil, hence a holiday has been declared for Chherchera Punni-Shakambhari Jayanti. He conveyed his best wishes to the people of the state on the birth anniversary of Dev Uthni Ekadashi, Namdev Jayanti, Guru Nanak Jayanti, Smt. Indira Gandhi Jayanti, Dr. Syedna Saheb.

Social harmony and unity in all religions is our strength

The Chief Minister said that our Chhattisgarh should remain a stronghold of equality of all religions. I have alerted the administration so that no anti-social element can even look at the harmony of our state with an evil eye. We will neither ignore nor spare those who try to disturb communal harmony. Social harmony and unity among all religions is our strength and to maintain it, to maintain respect for all, we all have to try together.