Key points of Hon’ble Education Minister’s press conference for organizing Jawaharlal Nehru National Education Summit 2021

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For the first time after the creation of Chhattisgarh, Kumbh of countrywide innovations is being organized on 14-15 November 2021 at Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Auditorium, Raipur, whose chief guest is our Chief Minister respected Bhupesh Baghel. The splendor and aura of this program will be illuminated by the invited academicians, mainly –

Dr. Abhijit Banerjee, 2019 Nobel Prize Winner in Economics
Rukmini Banerjee, CEO First Education-
Rukmini Banerjee is the Chief Executive Officer of Pratham Education Foundation, playing a key role in designing and supporting partnerships to improve children’s learning outcomes.

Yamini Iyer, President and Chief Executive of Center for Policy Research Yamini Iyer is the Chairperson of Center for Policy Research, New Delhi, a public policy research think-tank.
Dr. Dhir Jhingaran, Founder Director Language and Learning Foundation Dr. Dhir Jhingaran is the founder of Language and Learning Foundation, an organization focused on improving the basic education of children in government primary schools.
Biraj Patnaik, Executive Director National Foundation for India
Pro. Rishikesh B.S., Professor Education Law and Policy Azim Prem Ji University Rishikesh B.S. Education Law and Policy is Professor at the Hub for Education Law and Policy located at Azim Premji University.
Mr. Mekin Maheshwari, Co-Founder of GAME (Global Alliance for Mass Enterpreneurship) – TBC is the founder of GAME, started the Enterprise Learning Foundation, started his career in building YAHOO, FLIPKART and VIRID which are successful social networks of books.
Narayan Ramaswamy, NATIONAL LEADER, EDUCATION AND SKILLS KPMG Narayan Ramaswamy, National Leader Education and Skill Development Currently the focus is on Education, Skills, Development and Social Sector Counseling. Under whose leadership Team India is working in SAARC, Middle East and African regions.
Sessions of the conference and topic wise lectures

Session I – School of the Future (SAGES)
Session II – Vocational Education and Entrepreneurial Mindset
Third Semester – The Future of Online Learning

c.g. Various stalls showcasing the innovative and innovative activities being done for education in the state will depict our achievements. In the stalls

Swami Atmanand Government English Medium School (SAGES)
Padhai Tuhar Duar and Smart Class
Education in Angana
loudspeaker education
Chhatri Wale Guruji
Cinema Wale Guruji
Local Language (Dada Jokal)
smile library
Jugaad Studio
blackboard guruji
Bridge Curriculum and Assessment
Innovative teachers from all states will participate in the Rashtriya Shiksha Samagam as well as share their innovative efforts through stalls.

Key points of the meeting:-

Reimagining Upcoming Schools
Vocational Education and Entrepreneurial Mindset for the 21st Century
future of online learning
Better comebacks: lessons learned from the pandemic in teaching
government-scale reforms
Teacher: As a Leader
inclusion in classrooms
The objectives of the meeting to achieve the goals and fulfillment of the national convention are-

Discussing the lessons from Kovid-19 and the way forward for building a better education system.
New CG of education Sharing the model at the national level.
Panel discussions and sharing of best practices among the participating states on various thematic areas.
Deliberations by knowledge partners, intellectuals.
Exhibition of major innovations by teachers from different states of India.