Director SCERT Did a surprise inspection of Swami Atmanand English Medium School

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Raipur, October 29, 2021 : Joint Secretary and Director, State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) of School Education Department, Shri Rajesh Singh Rana, today under Swami Atmanand Utkrisht Vidyalaya Yojana, Pandit located at Amapara, Raipur. rd Surprise inspection of Tiwari Government English Secondary School of Excellence. He visited the Library Smart Class Laboratory, School Ground and Classroom located in the English Medium School premises and observed.

Director SCERT Mr. Rana inquired about the activities of the school from the students. Mr. Rana expressed his happiness on hearing the absurd English language of the school children. He asked the students questions related to not only their studies but also got information about their sports activities and hobbies. He congratulated and congratulated the students on their answers. District Education Officer, Raipur Shri Ashok Narayan Banjara and Principal of the school Shri Rakesh Gupta were present on this occasion.