Raipur: We are all proud of the achievements of the daughters of Chhattisgarh: Governor Ms. Uike

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Raipur, 25 October 2021. I am proud of the achievements of the daughters of Chhattisgarh. The daughters here have brought laurels in every field of art, literature, science, sports, journalism, administration and have brought laurels to the state along with their families. Never be afraid of any challenges and keep moving forward. Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uikey said this. She was giving her address at the Karmayogini Samman program. He extended best wishes to all the respected daughters. He said that it is a matter of pride for Chhattisgarh and all the women power here that a woman has been entrusted with the responsibility of the Governor.
Governor Ms. Uikey was overwhelmed by the achievements and capabilities of these daughters today and said that I am proud of all of you and I will invite you all to Raj Bhavan. Recalling her own struggle, she said that daughters and women have to face challenges in every field, but they should not give up and work with double zeal to achieve success. Governor Ms. Uike today attended the program of honor organized by Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao Sanstha as the chief guest.
The Governor said that many challenges were faced in reaching here, but good people were also met in his struggle journey, with whom he used to share his problems and encourage him. I used to study biographies and inspirational books of great men, which inspired me to move forward continuously and today I got the opportunity to work as the Governor of Chhattisgarh.

The Governor said that due to the visionary thinking of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao campaign was started from the year 2015, which yielded pleasant results. As a result of this, today women are waving their flag in various fields. Realizing the merit and importance of women and girls, our former Prime Minister Late Shri Atal Bihari Bajpayee had implemented the gender based budget system for the first time. Taking forward this thought, thinking and policy, the current Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is also giving impetus to the schemes for the interests of women and girls.
The Governor said that ever since I took over the responsibility of the Governor’s post, I have tried to listen to every needy person and try to solve it. I ended the concept of Lord Governor of Raj Bhavan and made Raj Bhavan ‘Jan Bhavan’ by opening Raj Bhavan to all.
Former Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh and Dr. Rajendra Phadke also addressed the program. On this occasion, former Parliamentary Secretary Mrs. Champadevi Pavle, former MLA Mr. Srichand Sundrani, Convenor of Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao Sanstha Mr. Anjay Shukla, office bearers of the organization and women were present.