Devbhog: Anganwadi workers are providing nutritious food and dry ration

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28 thousand children will be provided nutritional food,
731 severely malnourished children nutrition kit

  Devbhog 03 April2020 – After the announcement of the lockdown for prevention and control of Corona Virus (Kovid-19) by the Government of Gangariaband, the government has closed all Anganwadi centers. In the event of a lockdown, the children of 03 to 06 years are not able to get adverse effects on their health and nutrition level due to lack of hot food, so following the rules of the lockdown, all Anganwadi workers go home to the beneficiaries from morning to ready to eat Nutritious food and dry rations are involved in reaching. On the instructions of Collector Shri Shyam Dhawade, in all 1460 Anganwadi centers of the district, 28 thousand 675 registered beneficiaries are being ensured to provide dry ration for ready-to-eat nutritious food and hot food by Anganwadi workers. Along with this, he is also encouraging to avoid Corona virus in the houses of the beneficiaries, following the rules of social distancing, covering the face with a mask, hygiene and washing hands frequently with soap. On the instructions of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel, 28 thousand 675 children aged 03 to 06, packet of 750 grams ready-to-eat nutritious food and dry ration to 731 children, identified as severely malnourished, from 6 months to 03 years under the Chief Minister’s Nutrition Campaign (Chawal, Mix Dal , Soya bean packets of big, gram, jhurga, peas, potatoes, onions, papad, pickles and jaggery) are being made and supplied. Health of pregnant women, infant mothers and children is also being taken care of by Anganwadi workers through home visits and ANM vaccination to be done on time. And with the help of Mitanin, the beneficiaries are being engaged. In this odd situation, parents of children have expressed happiness over getting a packet of ready-to-eat nutritious food at home.