Raipur: Members of Parliamentary Committee, convinced of Chhattisgarh’s Godhan Nyay Yojana: Agriculture, livestock and self-employment are strengthening rural economy: Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel

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Raipur, 07 September 2021. The multi-purpose outcome of the Godhan Nyay Yojana, one of the flagship schemes of the Chhattisgarh government, has impressed the Parliament’s Standing Agriculture Committee. On a two-day visit to Chhattisgarh for study tour of Godhan Nyay Yojana, the chairman of the 13-member committee, Shri P.C. reached Raipur today. Gaddi Goudar met Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel at his residence office this evening. The committee discussed in detail with the Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on issues ranging from the Godhan Nyay Yojana of the Government of Chhattisgarh to the efforts being made by the Chhattisgarh government for the betterment of agriculture, Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana, collection of forest produce.

During the discussion with the Chief Minister, the members of the Standing Agriculture Committee of the Parliament clearly said that the Godhan Nyay scheme of the Government of Chhattisgarh is an example for the country. The parliamentary committee has recommended its implementation throughout the country. The study on this plan is still going on. Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel informed the Parliamentary Committee in detail about the Gauthan and Godhan Nyay Schemes built in the villages. He said that this scheme has strengthened the rural economy, employment opportunities have increased in the villages. The Chief Minister said that we have bought cow dung worth Rs 100 crore so far through Godhan Nyay Yojana. So far, about 10 lakh quintals of vermi and super compost have been produced in Gauthans. About Rs 90 crore vermi compost has been sold. He told that with the start of buying cow dung in forts for Rs. 2, the livestock farmers, villagers, The landless have got a source of additional income. This has benefited agriculture and agriculture along with conservation and promotion of livestock. Organic farming has been encouraged in the state. Open grazing of animals is prohibited. This has prevented crop damage and encouraged double cropping. The Chief Minister also informed about the establishment of Rural Industrial Park in Gauthan, its purpose, cattle breed improvement program in the state.

Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel gave detailed information to the members of the Parliamentary Committee regarding the socio-geographical situation, climate, agriculture, forestry, life etc. of Chhattisgarh. The Chief Minister informed that rain-fed paddy cultivation is mainly done in Chhattisgarh. Here more than 74 percent of the population is rural and their life is dependent on agriculture. Chhattisgarh has 44 percent forest area. 32% of the population here belongs to the Scheduled Tribes category. He told the Parliamentary Committee that in order to encourage crop productivity and crop diversification in Chhattisgarh, farmers are being given input subsidy up to a minimum of Rs.9000 per acre under the Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana. Sugarcane growing farmers are getting the highest price in Chhattisgarh.

Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel said that in view of surplus paddy production in Chhattisgarh, we have sought permission from the Central Government to make ethanol from paddy. He said that for the betterment of the farmers of the paddy producing states, it is necessary that ethanol should be produced from it for the use of surplus paddy. He said that farmers of many paddy producing states including Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Punjab, Bengal, Assam would get the benefit. The Chief Minister urged the Parliamentary Committee to recommend to the Central Government to give permission to all the states to manufacture ethanol from paddy. He said that only the Central Government has to be allowed to make ethanol, the rest of the expenditure from setting up the plant for ethanol production will be the responsibility of the State Government. He also said that allowing FCI to produce ethanol is more costly as transportation of paddy after purchase, After milling, unnecessary amount will be spent in re-transporting the rice to FCI. It would be more beneficial if the Center allows the states to make ethanol directly from paddy. With this farmers will get higher price of paddy. The expenditure burden on the states will be reduced. Foreign exchange spent on import of petroleum will be saved and there will be no problem of storing rice in FCI.

The Chief Minister informed that there are 26 thousand varieties of paddy in Chhattisgarh. Many types of rice are produced here including black rice, brown rice. He said that Millet Mission has been started keeping in view the cultivation of Kodo-Kutki, Ragi in the Vananchal area of ​​the state. In order to connect the people of Vananchal with agriculture and improve their economic condition, more than four and a half lakh forest dwellers have been given the land occupied by them. In order to improve the living standard of the forest based people in the state, along with the purchase of support price of minor forest produce, we are planting fruit plants on priority in the forest land, so that the people of Vananchal get its benefit. This will also increase their income.

The Chief Minister extended a warm welcome to the chairman and members of the committee by presenting them shawls and emblems on the occasion. On this occasion Member of Parliamentary Standing Committee Shri A. Ganeshmurthy, Mr. Afzal Ansari, Mr. Abu Taher Khan, Mr. Kanak Mal Katara, Mr. Mohan Mandavi, Mrs. Sharda Ben Anil Bhai Patel, Mr. Devji Mansing Ram Patel, Mr. Vellalath Kochukrishnan Nair Srikandan, Mr. Virendra Singh, Mr. Ramkripal Yadav, Mr. Ramnath Thakur , Smt. Chhaya Verma along with Rajya Sabha MP Smt. Phoolodevi Netam, Agriculture Production Commissioner and Secretary Dr. M. Geeta, Director Agriculture Shri Yashwant Kumar, Director Veterinary Services Shri Matheswaran V. was present.