Raipur: Now read Tuhar Duar-2.0 to improve the achievement of children

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Raipur, 02 September 2021. A time bound program will be conducted in Chhattisgarh in the name of Tuhar Duar 2.0 Padhai in all schools up to class 12. Through the program, the learning loss caused by Corona will be reduced and the achievement of the students will be improved. Developing reading, writing skills and basic mathematical skills at the primary level in children. At the middle school level, reading skills in Hindi and English, creative writing skills department, increasing proficiency in mathematics, demonstration of experiments in science and various project works in social studies will be done. To develop comprehension with speed and interest in reading in Hindi and English, writing skills in Hindi and English, use of different subjects of science, understanding of mathematical concepts will be developed at high school and higher secondary level. This program will be conducted through the District Education Officers. Secretary, School Education Department, Dr. Kamalpreet Singh has directed the District Education Officers that the time-limit should be followed in conducting the programme. It is mandatory to ensure the operation of various proposed programs on a large scale in all the schools of the district. Implement the program by involving the principals, all the members of the district education and training institutions and the district education mission coordinator.

In the instructions issued to the District Education Officers, it has been told that the baseline assessment is currently being done by the State Council of Educational Research and Training in the state. On the basis of its report, the District Education Officers will be able to get a clear information about the current status of the students studying in all the schools of the district and how many classes the student has before the class he/she is currently enrolled in. Along with this, through mid-line and end-line reports, the District Education Officer will also be able to track the progress of the students in the district.

District Education Officers have been directed to contact the parents and ensure 100% attendance of the students in all the schools. Keep children active in learning in the classroom for maximum time by removing teachers from various non-teaching tasks. At the district and block level, at least ten mentors should be selected at each level for reading, writing, mathematics, science, social studies and other subjects. It has been said in the instructions that mentors have an important role in this program. All necessary capacity development programs should be organized regularly for the mentors and teachers to keep the teachers coming in contact with them in this program while developing better understanding of the program in them. Mapping of materials, day-to-day learning, practice, for development of various competencies through mentors,
Involve all 100% teachers in the Telegram group to keep the mentor and professional learning community active and add their parents to the WhatsApp group class wise to stay connected with the students. By organizing various competitions for the prescribed levels on the prescribed dates at the school, cluster, block and district level, it should be ensured that the activities are organized in each school with utmost seriousness. The community should be actively involved in this whole process. Keeping in view the learning outcomes being focused under this program in each class, the Student Development Index should be kept updated regularly by using it. Assess students on the basis of Student Development Index during monitoring. The entry of various activities of this program, the website of the School Education Department, cgschool.in will be in the .