Raipur: Income of 38.36 crores so far to women groups associated with Gauthans

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Raipur, 27 August 2021. Under the Garuva program of the Suraji Gaon Yojana of the Government of Chhattisgarh, more than 9 thousand women groups associated with the Gauthans formed for the protection and promotion of livestock in the villages, have earned an income of 38 crore 36 lakh rupees so far from the income-oriented activities conducted by them in the Gauthans. Is.
The Godhan Nyay Yojana of the Government of Chhattisgarh is playing an important role in providing employment and income to the women groups. Under Godhan Nyay Yojana, vermi compost and super compost are being produced on a large scale by women groups by purchasing cow dung in Gauthans. For the manufacture of vermi compost, about 90 thousand pucca stitches have been approved so far in Gauthans, out of which 79 thousand 232 stitches have been completed and women’s groups are preparing vermi compost through these stitches. So far, 7 lakh 17 thousand 839 quintals of vermi compost production and 5 lakh 12 thousand 309 quintals of manure have been sold by women groups. Similarly, more than 3 lakh quintals of super compost manure has been produced and more than 1 lakh 25 thousand quintals of manure has been sold in Gauthans. Women’s groups have contributed to the production and sale of fertilizers so far. 01 crore dividend has been earned. 4.11 crores to groups from community garden vegetable production, Rs 49 lakhs from mushroom production, one crore 88 lakhs from fish farming, one crore 14 lakhs from goat rearing, 78 lakhs from poultry, 39 lakhs from animal husbandry, dung-diya, flowerpot 49 lakh from the manufacture of incense sticks and has earned an income of Rs 9.07 crore from other income-oriented activities so far.