Bilaspur: Villagers are getting payments from bank sakhi in their homes: The unity of the village porter has become the sister of the bank

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Bilaspur 28 July 2021. National Rural Livelihood Mission of under women ‘s to maintain the self- help group , half the population of the self- made are heightened. NRLM girl empowerment of direction for positive action by going to. Bank of Sakhi as a group of women in their other sisters are also backing teach at the. Development Section Msturi the village porter of unity Yadav now bank with sister ‘s name from the famous have went to. Ms. unity Yadav bank of choice as bank girlfriend ‘s work brilliantly ways to make getting there. Ms. Yadav now to 10 million rupees to the amount of the payment bank Sakhi the way of doing It ‘s over Corona during the same he almost 6 million rupees of payments made is.
G porter , Kukda , Udhagi , Bsha and woolen of villages in old age , destitute pensions , employment guarantee scheme of the amount , Jan Dhan , housing , scholarships and other schemes of the amount of Paying them by the be going to. They house – home arrived too divyanga , old age and helpless people of the amount paid to service the spirit of the examples presented do not have. Ms. Yadav has said that them this confidence morning ( NRLM ) from joining up. The plan of under They Arseti the bank friends of 10 days of training received was. They tell is that our family ‘s economic situation good not had. Arseti the training received to the post today I successfully Bank Sakhi ‘s responsibility to play a go. I earn up to 25 thousand rupees per month Get to the heart is. It dying family as economic as the great help received it.