Bijapur: Important contribution of silk industry in providing employment opportunities in rural areas

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Bijapur 24 July 2021. Jitendra Kudiyam, a resident of Naimed, told that he has three acres of agricultural land on which he does agricultural work. Jitendra Kudiyam, a farmer by profession, along with agricultural work, does the work of worm rearing in the Government Kosa Seed Center, Naimed, operated under the Department of Sericulture. Which remains a source of his additional income. He has earned an additional income of 50 to 60 thousand rupees by doing worm rearing work for the last two years. With this money, to do his agricultural work better, he bought his farm improvement and agricultural input material, which increased his income, this additional income proved helpful in completing agricultural work on time. Self-employment is provided to the farmers through the schemes of silk industry. Due to which the income of many farmers like Jitendra is increasing and they are getting self-employment. It was told by the Assistant Director Silk that the Directorate of Village Industries is the main head of the employment oriented schemes run by the Silk Department. The objective is to provide self-employment to the farmers and beneficiaries of the local poor families, scheduled castes, tribes and other classes residing in rural areas. Tusar food is available in abundance in district Bijapur. Due to which there are strong possibilities of cocoon production in large numbers, tussar is an important means of providing supplementary employment to the families living near Vananchal in addition to basic work through sericulture. The sericulture is an agro-based village industry, which contributes to the rural economy. To provide self-employment to the farmers and beneficiaries of tribal and other classes. Tusar food is available in abundance in district Bijapur. Due to which there are strong possibilities of cocoon production in large numbers, tussar is an important means of providing supplementary employment to the families living near Vananchal in addition to basic work through sericulture. Sericulture is an agro-based village industry, which contributes to the rural economy. To provide self-employment to the farmers and beneficiaries of tribal and other classes. Tusar food is available in abundance in district Bijapur. Due to which there are strong possibilities of cocoon production in large numbers, tussar is an important means of providing supplementary employment to the families living near Vananchal in addition to basic work through sericulture. Sericulture is an agro-based village industry, which contributes to the rural economy.
Helpful for strength. Due to this employment opportunities are available in rural areas and development of the area takes place. Talking about Bijapur districts, tussar rearing is done on the available tussar edible plants. In rural areas, where self-employment is made available to the farmers and beneficiaries by producing reared daba cocoons through tusser rearing scheme on food plants available on forest blocks or in government tusser centers. For this purpose, in the last year 2019-20, a total of 25 lakh 71 thousand nos. worth about 35-40 lakh rupees have been produced by following 80 thousand healthy egg groups under the district. In which 204 farmers have been benefitted. Similarly, in the year 2020-21, 194 farmers and beneficiaries have been benefited by worm rearing about 77 thousand healthy egg groups and producing about 30-35 lakh rupees and in the financial year 2021-22, 75 thousand healthy egg groups have been followed.