Raipur: Chief Minister Baghel instructed to ensure continuous supply of fertilizers to the farmers.

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Raipur 28 June 2021.  Chief Minister  Bhupesh Baghel has directed the farmers of the state to ensure the supply of chemical fertilizers, especially urea and DAP. He has asked Agriculture Minister Shri Ravindra Choubey, Chief Secretary Shri Amitabh Jain and Agriculture Production Commissioner Dr. M. Geeta to ensure the supply of fertilizers from the representatives of fertilizer suppliers according to the quantity allocated for the state of Chhattisgarh. The Chief Minister directed that every effort should be made to remove the shortage of chemical fertilizers especially urea and DAP in the state, besides checking the stock of wholesalers and retailers regularly and taking action against those who hoard chemical fertilizers. Huh.

Agriculture Minister Shri Ravindra Choubey has discussed with the Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers about the short supply of Urea and DAP in Chhattisgarh state in compliance with the instructions of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel and urged to ensure the supply of chemical fertilizers as per the quota of the state. is. Agriculture Minister Shri Ravindra Choubey said that sowing of Kharif crops has started in the state. It is necessary to supply urea and DAP to the farmers on time. He asked the Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers to direct the fertilizer manufacturers and suppliers to supply fertilizers as per the purchase order given by the state of Chhattisgarh.

It is worth mentioning that Chhattisgarh has got allocation of 5,65,595 tonnes for all types of chemical fertilizers from April to June. Against which till now only 3,62,966 tonnes of chemical fertilizers have been supplied by the supplier companies, which is 64 percent on the allocated quantity. The total allocation of urea for the period April to June is 2,72,503 metric tonnes, against the total mandated quantity of 3,11,203 metric tonnes for supply of urea by the state, till date 1,85,886 metric tonnes have been supplied by the fertilizer suppliers. Similarly, the total allocation of DAP to the State is 1,62,027 MT. Till date 1,02,906 MT has been supplied against the total indented quantity of 2,10,354 MT. Similarly, against the allotted quantity of chemical fertilizers 66582 metric tonnes, till today 38,238 and MOP 64,484 metric tonnes have been supplied against 35,976 metric tonnes of fertilizers. Agriculture Production Commissioner Dr. M. Geeta has directed to ensure speedy supply of the remaining quantity of allocation from chemical fertilizer suppliers in the state.