Raipur : Chief Minister Mr. Baghel directs Departmental Minister, Chief Secretary and Agriculture Production Commissioner to ensure continuous supply of fertilizers to the farmers as per the quota

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Raipur 26 June 2021. Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel has given instructions to ensure continuous supply of seeds and fertilizers to the farmers of the state. On instructions of Chief Minister, Agriculture Minister Mr. Ravindra Choubey, Chief Secretary Mr. Amitabh Jain and Agriculture Production Commissioner Dr. M. Geeta are making continuous efforts in this direction. In coordination with the representatives of the supplier companies, supply of chemical fertilizers especially urea and DAP is being ensured as per the quantity allotted to the State. Chief Minister has also directed to take necessary action to prevent hoarding of fertilizers in the state.

The total allocation of urea to Chhattisgarh from April to June is 2,72,503 metric tonnes. Against the total indented quantity of 3,11,203 MT, till date 94,024 MT has been supplied, which is 34.50 percent of the total allocated quantity. Similarly, the total allocation of DAP is 1,62,027 MT. Against the total indented quantity of 2,10,354 MT till date 70,079 MT has been supplied, which is 43.25 percent of the total allocated quantity. The allocated quantity of urea fertilizer for the month of June is 1,31,450 metric tonnes, against which 37,420 metric tonnes have been supplied by the suppliers. Against the allotted quantity of 80,000 MT of DAP, 23,268 MT has been supplied by the suppliers. The supplier companies have been instructed to compulsorily supply the remaining quantity before June 30