Raipur: Arrangements should be made for green fodder for animals in all Gauthans: Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel

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Raipur, 24 June 2021.  Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has given instructions to develop pastures compulsorily in Gauthans constructed under Suraji Gaon Yojana. He said that along with dry fodder, arrangements should also be made for green fodder for the animals coming to the Gauthans. For this, he has asked the collectors of all the districts to ensure the sowing of jowar, bajra, maize etc. along with Napier grass in the land reserved for pasture in Gauthans through Gauthan committees. The work of pasture development can be done with the available funds with the Gauthan committees. The Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry will also provide necessary guidance and help to the Gauthan committees in the work of pasture development.

It is worth mentioning that under the Suraji Gaon Yojana, approval has been given for the construction of more than 10 thousand Gauthans in the state, out of which more than 5600 Gauthans have been built. Under the guidance of Gauthan Committees Veterinary Department, pasture has been prepared in 1982 Gauthans and green fodder has been sown here for animals. According to the information received from the Veterinary Department, about one and a half lakh quintals of green fodder has been made available to the animals produced in these Gauthans. Last year, 2 lakh 16 thousand 418 metric tonnes of para was collected through para donation in Gauthans. Through which the cattle feed was arranged in the Gauthans. In order to connect women self-help groups with employment, multi-activity centers have been established in 216 Gauthans, where other income-oriented activities including poultry, goat, pig and Kadaknath poultry farming are being conducted by women groups. Veterinary department is regularly doing the work of treatment of animals, deworming, vaccination and artificial insemination in Gauthans.

Vaccination work is being done continuously by the Veterinary Department to protect the animals from infectious diseases that occur in the rainy season. Now Gothan has taken the form of animal treatment and vaccination center. In the state so far by the Veterinary Department

So far, more than 17 lakh 14 thousand animals have been vaccinated in the state to prevent Galghotu and Ektangia disease. Vaccination of Galghotu and Ektangia is being done regularly by the Livestock Development Department in Gauthans, by organizing camps in villages and in veterinary hospitals and centres. So far, 9 lakh 73 thousand animals have been given BQ to prevent galghotu (HS) and 740 lakh animals from ectungia disease in the state. Vaccination has been done.