Ambikapur: Our priority is to reach health facilities in village-village – Mr. Bhagat

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     Ambikapur 3 June 2021. State Food MinisterAmarjit Bhagat on Thursday inaugurated the newly constructed Health and Wellness Center at Bansajhal, a remote village panchayat under Janpad Panchayat Batauli, by offering prayers.
At the launch, Minister Shri Bhagat said that the priority of our government is to provide health facilities in every village. So far, in villages where health centers have not been built, health centers are being constructed and developed as health and wellness centers. He said that with the opening of health centers in remote villages like Bansajhal, the villagers of Vananchal would be provided health facilities. Make necessary arrangements keeping in mind the facilities of the people in this hospital.
Minister Shri Bhagat said that at present, prevention from Kovid is the most important. For this, testing in the hospital and availability of necessary medicines should be ensured. In the Kovid period, the doctors and staff have discharged their full capacity which is commendable. Keep doing this type of work and earn people’s trust.
District President Smt. Sugia Minj, Vice President Shri Pradeep Gupta, BMO Shri Santosh Singh, District CEO Shri Vijay Narayan Shrivastava and other public representatives, officers and employees were present on the occasion.