Raipur: Collecting tendu patta has made it easy for the collectors to survive despite the corona crisis – Forest Minister Mr. Akbar

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Raipur, 28 May 2021.  During his one-day stay in Kawardha Assembly constituency, the Minister of Forest and Climate Change, Mr. Mohammad Akbar, took a detailed review of the tendupatta collection work conducted there and visiting Tendupatta Phad in village Ranghekhar, village Raniguda and village Ghanikhunta under development block Also inspected. During this time, he took information from tendupatta collectors about job cards and payment of amount including tendupatta collection work. Keeping in mind the convenience of the villagers on the demand of tendupatta collectors there, he assured to open a tendupatta procurement center at village Raniguda soon.

Forest Minister Shri Akbar while discussing with tendupatta collectors informed that despite the present-day corona crisis, the collection work of tendupatta is in the interest of tribal-forest dwellers’ families and the target so far during the current year is 16 lakh 71 thousand standard bags. More than 12 lakh 55 thousand standard bags of tendu leaves have been collected. In these, an amount of more than Rs 500 crore is payable to the collectors, who are continuing to pay the collectors at the earliest. He said that the collection work of Tendupatta has made it easier for the collecting families to earn their livelihood and they do not have any problem of livelihood even in the face of this global epidemic corona crisis. With this, the employment of tendupatta collectors is being started with a large number of additional income.

Forest Minister  Akbar, while discussing with the collectors, also informed that in Chhattisgarh, in the year 2021, tendu patta has been collected and fixed Rs 4 thousand per standard bag. At present, about 13 lakh tribal-forest dwellers collector families are getting direct benefits from the tendupatta collection work in the state. In the collection work month of May and June, collection remuneration amounting to Rs. 668 crore will be distributed to the collectors within two months. He informed that during the collection to avoid the corona infection, collectors are being given Kovid friendly behavior along with the guidelines of the government.

Tendupatta collectors also expressed happiness during the discussion with the Forest Minister Mr. Akbar that we have got a lot of facilities for our livelihood with the help of tendupatta collection work conducted by the government. Due to this we are not having any problem in the present day corona crisis and also getting extra income from its collection. It was also informed by the collectors that during the current season, from 15 to 30 thousand rupees has been received as remuneration in one-s week. On this occasion, the representative of the area and senior citizens Smt. Ramkali Dhurve, Mr. Neelkanth Chandravanshi, Mr. Kanhaiya Agarwal, Mr. Kalim Khan, Mr. Jamil Khan, Mr. Sumran Singh Dhurve, Mr. Tansen Chaudhary, Mr. Lekharam Pancheshwar, Mr. Mohan Agrawal and related departmental officers were present on the occasion. Were.