8 Naxalites including 4 hardcore Maoists laid down their arms, surrendered after being influenced by Poona Narkom campaign

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Sukma. Influenced by the policies of the government and to join the mainstream of society, 8 Maoists surrendered today. Among the surrendered Maoists, 4 were hardcore Naxalites with a prize on their heads. The government had announced a reward of 2 lakhs on one of these Naxalites and 1 lakh each on 3 Maoists. All the Maoists who laid down their arms surrendered after abandoning the hollow ideology of Naxalism and being influenced by the Poona Narkom campaign of the government. 226 Battalion CRPF and Kukanar police station staff and Naxal cell are involved in making the Naxalites surrender.