8.95 lakh metric tonnes of paddy purchased in Chhattisgarh, Rs 1575.16 crore paid to farmers

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Raipur. Under the leadership of Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai, the process of paddy procurement is continuing uninterrupted in Chhattisgarh. So far, 8.95 lakh metric tonnes of paddy has been procured in the paddy procurement campaign started on 14 November. So far, 1.91 lakh farmers have sold their paddy in the state. In lieu of paddy procurement, farmers have been paid Rs 1575 crore 16 lakh under the bank linking system. This paddy procurement campaign will run till 3Food department officials said here today that 27.68 lakh farmers have registered for this Kharif season. This includes 1.45 lakh new farmers. This year 160 lakh metric tons of paddy is estimated to be purchased through 2739 procurement centers. Officials said that on November 25, 2.17 lakh metric tons of paddy has been purchased from 47296 farmers. For this, 51170 tokens were issued. 53439 tokens have been issued for the next day.1 January 2025.