647 cases of corona were reported in 14 states due to Tablighi Jamaat, one mistake failed the government’s efforts : Centre

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Police arrived in a building in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, in search of those who have returned from the Markaz of Tabligi Jamaat in Delhi.
2 thousand 657 cases so far; Today 98 cases were reported, out of which 63 returned from the Tabligi Jamaat
12 policemen involved in Operation Markaz were sent on leave, Delhi Police said – it is a mere coincidence
Blacklist of 960 foreign members of Tablighi Jamaat, visa revoked; Among them 379 Indonesian and 110 Bangladeshi

new Delhi.03 April 2020. People moving to various parts of the country from Markaz in Nizamuddin have increased problems. The Health Ministry said on Friday that 647 cases have been reported in 14 states because of the people of Tabligi Jamaat. Infection occurred due to a mistake. The Ministry’s Joint Secretary Love Aggarwal said that people have to understand that all efforts can fail due to a mistake. He said that we have asked the states to strictly deal with those who attack doctors and nurses. The Ministry has released the Arogya App and appealed people to identify suspects through it. On the other hand, the Center has blacklisted 960 foreign members of Tabligi Jamaat and canceled their visas. These include 379 Indonesian, 110 Bangladeshi, 9 British, 4 American, 6 Chinese and 3 French citizens. Meanwhile, the Yogi government of Uttar Pradesh has decided that action will be taken against those who attack the police doing duty under Rasuka.
Meanwhile, on Friday, news came that the soldiers engaged in the operation to evacuate the people of Tabligi Jamaat have been quarantined. However, Delhi Police later said that 11-12 policemen have been sent on leave and it is a coincidence that these people were also involved in Operation Markaz.

Welcome to doctors-nurses, police and cleaners

Today 98 new cases were reported, 63 related to Tablighi Jamaat
There have been 98 new cases of infection in the country today. These include 44 in Uttar Pradesh, 21 in Rajasthan, 12 in Andhra Pradesh, 8 in Haryana, 7 in Gujarat, 2 in Delhi, as well as 1-1 patients in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa and Jammu and Kashmir. With this, the total number of infected has reached 2 thousand 657. 191 people have recovered and 73 have died. These figures are according to the website covid19india.org. According to the website of the Union Ministry of Health, the number of corona infected in the country is 2 thousand 301. Out of these, 2 thousand 88 are under treatment. 156 have been cured and 56 people have died. Of the 65 people who have been infected today in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, 63 returned from the Tablighi Jamaat in Delhi.

The highest number of 486 infected were found on Thursday.

Earlier on Thursday, Corona report of 486 patients across the country came positive. This is the largest number of infections in a day. A day earlier on Wednesday, 424 cases of this infection were reported in the country.

Prime Minister’s Appeal – Turn off the house lights and light a candle, mobile or lamp at 9 pm on April 5 at 9 pm

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday appealed once again through video message to encourage the public amid the lockdown. He said that on April 5 at 9 pm, turn off all the lights of the house, light a candle, lamp, flashlight or mobile flashlight for 9 minutes while standing at the door of the house or in the balcony. If you realize the power of light, you will feel that no one is alone.