Congress was nominated simultaneously in Yapur district at 6 pm on Thursday. During this, Congress workers also united with drums and musical instruments outside the firecrackers. Apart from this, many giants are also included in the FMCG portfolio. While Arang is uncomfortable, Shiv Dahria will be nominated on Friday.
Congress Party has announced all its 90 restaurants. After this, Constant CM Bapatphal joined the nomination rally late with different unique sandwiches.
Shobha Ram Sundar Das of Raipur South was discharged during nomination. CM Atal Bihari Vajpayee also nominated the stock along with the remaining shareholders as per the scheduled time. When he was about to go out and sit in his car, Mahanth of the state was there with his investigation. However, the CM again joined the nomination of Steyerman and Ram Sundar Das. Yesterday also 3 franchises from BJP had filed nominations together, in which Shiv Dahria was a possible nomination yesterday.
Congress Document Administration Minister in the government Shiv Dahria is associated with Arang. Today when Stayst filed his nomination, he joined the rally but did not submit the nomination form. They will take their nomination papers tomorrow i.e. on 27th October. Shadow with Anita
Tickets of MLA Anil Yogendra Sharma from Dharsiwa were canceled. In his place, Congress Party has fielded former politician Chhaya Verma from Illinois. Anil Sharma and Chhaya were seen together during the nomination on Thursday. Antony surprised her with Chhaya during her nomination.
More news related to nomination in Raipur
On Wednesday, superstars of Rampur district submitted their nominations: Brijmohan Aggarwal, Rajesh Munat and Khushwant Sahab submitted their forms together. BJP has 3 issues together regarding the second phase of voting in Chhattisgarh assembly elections. Khushwant Saheb from Rang, Munat from Raipur West and Rajesh Mohan Aggarwal from Raipur South filed nomination papers. Bahadur Mohan Aggarwal said that today we have submitted our nominations for the auspicious festival.