Raipur. On the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti, a mass wedding of 300 daughters was held in the presence of Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai at Tatapani Mahotsav in Chhattisgarh. The wedding was conducted as per religious customs and rituals under the Chief Minister Kanya Vivaah Yojana of the Chhattisgarh government. While blessing the newlyweds, the Chief Minister said that by organizing mass marriages under the Chief Minister Kanya Vivaah Yojana, poor and needy families are getting financial support for the marriage of their daughters.Expressing happiness on her marriage, Kunti Nagesia, a differently abled girl from Kusmi Vikaskhand, said that marriage was not possible due to my financial condition and disability. With the help of the Chief Minister’s blessings and the scheme, my dream has come true today. Other newly married couples and their families also appreciated the event.On this occasion, Agriculture Minister Ramvichar Netam, other public representatives and thousands of citizens witnessed this historic event. The Chief Minister wished the newlyweds to lead a happy married life with mutual respect and responsibility. He said that the Tatapani Festival has filled the hearts of daughters of economically weak families with new hopes and happiness.