1 December i.e. World AIDS Day: 104 HIV positive cases in 7 months in Chhattisgarh, 36 men homosexuals

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World AIDS Day is celebrated today i.e. 1st December. In the last 7 months, 104 HIV positive cases have been reported in Chhattisgarh. These include 36 male homosexuals (men who have sex with men), 26 female sex workers and 4 transgenders. According to the data received from Chhattisgarh State AIDS Control Committee, a total of 67 lakh 47 thousand 668 people were tested for HIV in the state from 2007 to March 2023, out of which 39 thousand 939 people were found HIV infected. The percentage of HIV positive in the state is 0.58.

In the financial year 2022-23, 12 lakh 45 thousand 671 people were tested, out of which 30231 people were found HIV positive. So far in the current financial year, 6 lakh 33 thousand 181 people have been tested in which 2041 people have been found HIV positive. Among these, 274 pregnant women have also been found positive.

HIV in the state People living with A.R.T. (Antiretroviral therapy) facilities are being provided. At present there are total 8 A.R.T.s in the state. Center operated. Talking about the last financial year, 36919 HIV positive patients were registered for anti-retroviral therapy in the state, out of which 20099 HIV infected people are receiving free care and medicines. These include 10241 men, 8246 women, 1471 children and 141 third gender.

treatment center here

ART for prevention and treatment of AIDS is being operated in the state. This center is being operated in Ambedkar Hospital Raipur, SIMS Bilaspur, Maharani Hospital Jagdalpur, District Hospital Durg, District Hospital Surguja apart from Korba, Rajnandgaon, Raigarh district. Along with this, there are 147 counseling and testing centres. HIV testing facility is available in almost all the community-primary health centers of the state.

State government provides these facilities to HIV positive patients

The state government provides various schemes and facilities for people living with HIV. In these, benefits of schemes like Antyodaya Anna Yojana, Free Bus, Nutritional Diet Scheme, Social Security Pension Scheme, and leave entitlement during studies are given.

Dr. G. Jagannath Rao, Assistant Project Director of Chhattisgarh State AIDS Control Committee, said that continuous work is being done for the prevention of HIV in the state. In this disease, identifying and counseling the infected patient is a very important task.

Rao said that there is a time period for HIV to spread. Like any other virus, it does not have immediate effect. There is a window period to recognize the disease which ranges from 5 years to 10 years. In some people it appears even after 15 years. HIV is a virus. HIV causes harm when it becomes a syndrome. This virus enters the body and damages the immune system, which destroys the person’s immunity. Due to which HIV positive patients are affected by multiple diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to get it checked in time so that it can be treated at the right time.

Assistant Project Director said that HIV positive cases are increasing in the state, there is no need to panic. We will be able to provide proper treatment to all the positive cases that come to light and will be able to work towards giving them a healthy life.

So many HIV positive people were found (data from April to October 2023)

they were examined

tested HIV positive
female sex worker 18866 26
Gay (Male) 3475 36
transgender 1060 4
injection drug use 3576 4
truck driver 18504 16
migrant 20476 18