07 quintals near Mahua was filled with several drums and buried in the ground and was destroyed by seizing liquor

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Jhanu Nagesh / Dhamtari. 16 April2020. Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19) to prevent, control and prevent the spread of infection Dhamtari police are constantly explaining the rules to be followed during the lockdown, while some anti-social elements are not refraining from illegal acts. Huh. Against such anti-social elements, Superintendent of Police, B.P. It has been directed by Rajbhanu to take legal action.

Meanwhile, police station Magroload received information that village Kusumkhuta near Andhwabandha in Hathdahara forest illegally mahua is filled with mahua in plastic drums and buried in the ground for the manufacture of liquor. The police team was prepared and sent for legal action under the guidance of Additional Superintendent of Police Manisha Thakur Rawate and Police Sub-Divisional Officer Rashmikant Mishra for the legal and legal proceedings of the said information.

Based on the information received by the Police Police Station, the police Kusumkhuta Hathdahara forest near Andhwabandha raid near Andhwabandha about 7 quintal Mahua pass was found filled with several drums and buried in the ground and removed the Mahua pass with plastic drums. has gone . Principal constable Jamwant Deshmukh, constable Tikeshwar Kore, Vishwajeet Verma have contributed to the above action.